
How To Get Rid Of Maggots In Refrigerator

Kalux didn't always know where maggots came from, just she did some thorough enquiry and is here to share her newfound knowledge.

Learn all about maggots, including what they are, where they come from, and how to get rid of them.

Acquire all about maggots, including what they are, where they come up from, and how to go rid of them.

What Is a Maggot?

A maggot is the larvae of a wing.

In other words, a wing lays eggs, which turn into larvae (maggots), which become flies, which lay more than eggs, and so on . . .

(Full disclosure: I did non always know this. At the risk of sounding like a moron, I'll admit that I idea they just sort of appeared. Non sure where that logic came from.) After doing some thorough research, I idea I'd compile the basics and share.

Where Do Maggots Come up From?

The fly lays eggs, which turn into maggots. "Maggot" is another word for larva. Afterward a pupal stage, maggots plow into flies. Sometimes, it may seem like the maggots appear from nowhere, only information technology's but that you didn't notice the wing or its eggs. The fly lays hundreds of eggs at a time, which will brainstorm to hatch within a day.

The life cycle of a fly.

The life cycle of a fly.

A Fly's Life Cycle

  1. A female lives about a month, during which time she lays from 500 to 2,000 eggs in batches of almost 75 to 150 at a fourth dimension.
  2. A day after the eggs are laid, the maggots will appear.
  3. We usually see them in this commencement stage while they are nonetheless three–9 mm long and whitish in color (however, they tin can grow to exist 20 mm. Ew!).
  4. Maggots feed for 3 to 5 days. There are larval and pupal stages, and it takes approximately 14 to 36 days for the eggs to morph into flies.

The fly volition lay its eggs anywhere it feels like the maggots will be safe and well-fed. This is why it'due south so common to run into them in old or rotting food. The maggots need to eat not-stop, so the fly will always lay the eggs where there is food.

A bunch of maggots.

A agglomeration of maggots.

How to Forestall Flies (and Maggots)

  • Always make clean up any food and don't get out any sitting out. Store food in sealed containers. Tie your garbage bags tightly and remove garbage from your house frequently.
  • Flies will lay their eggs in your pet'due south nutrient as well, so make certain y'all change their food fully and don't just top it up. Keep the dish covered when not in utilize.
  • Clean out garbage cans thoroughly. Using bleach is probably your all-time bet. Make sure their lids are ever sealed tight.
  • If yous compost, be certain to keep it completely sealed.
  • If you have a dog, be sure to keep your thou free of dog poop.
  • Seal whatever holes in your screens to help continue them out. They always find a way to sneak in, though, don't they?

How to Go Rid of Maggots (and Flies)

This tin can depend on your personal preference, equally you lot tin use chemical products or practise it naturally.

  • Remove all nutrient sources, and the flies will lay their eggs elsewhere.
  • Pour boiling water over maggots to kill them instantly. If y'all want, you can add a cup of bleach and 1 1/2 cups of hydrogen peroxide to a gallon of boiling water.
  • Dish soap works great as an insect repellent and/or insecticide. Most dish soaps contain a little borax, which is the active ingredient.
  • Natural fly repellents include vodka, aromatic herbs like lavender, basil, and bay leaf, lemongrass oil, cloves, witch hazel, apple cider vinegar, and camphor or citronella fume.
  • You can make a trap to catch the flies, hopefully before they lay eggs. Fill the bottom of a container with a couple of inches of water, and so add some smelly bait and a couple of drops of liquid dish soap.
  • In that location are certain plants you can establish effectually your home, like marigold, chrysanthemum, lavander, and tansy, which will help keep flies away. (Don't forget the venus flytrap, a cannibal plant that loves to eat flies, which is a spectacular—if not exactly effective—way to do it!)
  • Use electronic fly traps that plug into your outlets or a fly zapper. These emit a white UV light that attracts flying insects, then zaps them with electricity. Exist conscientious to use these indoors, and only when needed, because they kill all kinds of flying insects, even ones that we really need.
  • If y'all choose to get rid of them chemically, utilise a product that contains permethrin, a chemical that is used equally an insecticide. For example, Raid, which we're all probably familiar with, is a popular insecticide that is used in households.
  • Apply a fly gun or a proficient ol' fly swatter.
  • Go some fly paper, or make your own. (Meet video below.)

Interesting Maggot Facts

Maggots tin can be used for many things. Even though you might think they're gross, there are many ways we benefit from their existence.

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  • They make bang-up bait for fishing.
  • Live ones can be used for medical purposes like cleaning wounds of dead tissue, particularly for wounds that are having trouble healing.
  • They are very helpful to forensic scientists who use them to calculate an approximate time of death.

Nigh Maggots (from National Geographic)

Jordan from Norman, OK, left a very helpful comment in the comment department. Here information technology is in full:

"I did my undergraduate research on disuse and maggot development. You summed information technology up quite nicely! I'grand impressed. Here are a few more tidbits on necrophagous flies:

There is only one major family of flies that volition oviposit on decaying matter: Calliphoridae. Non all flies are attracted to detritus, simply if the fly is shiny and bluish or green, chances are it's feeding on and laying its eggs in your garbage. Maggots can only survive on wet substrate, so if you are compulsively changing your dry out bin out of fright of maggot infestation, know that they cannot live on a dried chicken bone (or stale annihilation else)!

Development changes drastically with temperature. Information technology may accept anywhere from 2 hours to 3 days for them to hatch from eggs; likewise, information technology may take half dozen hours to v months for them to develop into adults. The life cycle is a six stage procedure: egg, showtime instar, second instar, third instar, pupa, and developed.

While these flies are major pests within the home, they are one of the only organisms that rids the world of carcasses. When they are in their natural habitats, they are very helpful, indeed!"

Feel gratis to go out information of your own in the comments section!

This article is accurate and truthful to the best of the author's knowledge. Content is for informational or amusement purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional person advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

Vanessa Tarcak on September 02, 2020:

Thank you so much for these tips!! I hate using chemicals around the house and with the compost, the maggot risk is so much more frequent, humid water works similar a charm

Maggot.. on August 21, 2020:

I was cleaning my room and I saw trash behind my Boob tube, and I saw maggots (baby flies) on a peace of newspaper and bread crust and I was freaking out but I got rid of eastward'thousand

Abbie on August 20, 2020:

I constitute magets in some rotten potatoes on my floor about other food. Should I despose of the nutrient effectually the potatoes as well or do something else. Pls assist

HeeBee on August 08, 2020:

I'grand finding fly larvae in my bedroom. its dry and clean. My theory is something is dead in the ceiling and may exist dropping from a vent. I;ve sprayed and closed the vent.. will they just disappear if there is no food source? is there anything else I tin can do? I can't get into the ceiling.

GamerPumpDaUchihaJuice on August 05, 2020:

honestly and so many ants are in my shower

Freya on July 19, 2020:

Do maggots come by themselves or are they unremarkably found in groups?

Married to Someone with a Phobia of Maggots on July thirteen, 2020:

Also, fun little fact I forgot to mention, not all maggots are fly larvae, bee larvae are also chosen maggots and as someone who has watched many infested videos because I'm not really phased past much, I've seen some parts where people accept had a bee infestation in their walls and suddenly institute out because the maggots would offset coming out from the lesser of the wall(s) that was/were infested with them. But thought it would be an interesting tidbit for folks to know likewise just in case that actually turns out to exist the case for someone.

Married to Someone with a Phobia of Maggots on July thirteen, 2020:

So, every bit someone who is married to someone who has a phobia of maggots (as in volition go full fledged panic mode if seeing ANY at all) I've had to bargain with some of these little buggers myself. Offset off, if you run on septic and not sewer, use septic treatments regularly, it helps to lessen a source of food for them. They will come out of your sink/garbage disposal if information technology's not cleaned regularly, information technology's nevertheless a source of nutrient for them and a source of h2o to boot. At present and then, if you're seeing them randomly appear and you're certain you haven't left anything for them to feed on, they may accept gotten into some cracks or crevices in the flooring or walls, might fifty-fifty be in the ceiling, especially if yous are randomly finding them in a bedroom on top of fresh covers or randomly on the bedroom floor wandering. I would propose inspecting the ceiling/attic or any crawlspaces that you may have. Sprinkle a perimeter of common salt by the edges of a room where you are finding them in regularly, y'all will know if they are coming from inside the room itself, if y'all stop seeing them in that room then they were coming from elsewhere, possibly even in the walls like I said before. If you go on finding them in the room so commencement gradually salting dissimilar sections until you pinpoint their origin. If they're flooding a k oft, then yous likely take something decomposing back there or have a decomposing body dropped back in that location regularly (doesn't accept to be a person, tin can be an animal). Your best bet is to do a sweep back there for anything decomposing then to remove information technology, I highly recommend using gloves. Bleach is indeed a good agent for clearing them out, actually but had an incident where they got in the outside trash tin and didn't notice until they were coming out onto the top, and I poured a whole quart of bleach besides as put a circle of salt around the tin to contain them as they won't cross that line willingly, side by side morning they were almost all expressionless, fun fact, directly bleach seems to crusade a fogger-similar effect with them and so that helps in driving them away. Also you can spray them with an aerosol, they dehydrate and suffocate them.

Montanino on July 11, 2020:

I just killed a fly that was delivering live maggots.

Dave on June 25, 2020:

Will flies lay eggs on maggots I take previously killed with just boiling water? on June 20, 2020:

Hi what If a predator positioned magnets in your trunk and have full control of your trunk.

TrudiLubiewski on Apr 26, 2020:

I found 20 or so maggots in the eye of unused bedroom tiled floor. Gutted room establish nothing. Worried there will be more never had that before and home is a detached no most neighbours And clean . Nosotros but accept small house flies that I kill all the time equally we are in the mountains in Spain. I'm wondering why, when then many of these posts match my questions there are no answers here.

Tamara on April 01, 2020:

Ive had maggots suddenly announced all over my patio & I've used boiling water, bleach besides as fly spray, now I've opened my fridge & theilre in in that location too .

So frustrated I'm a very clean person. Delight assist

JUSTIN Fourth dimension on March sixteen, 2020:

The last 4 people live a dirty disgusting habitat. Savor your maggots. Ugh!

Code on February 21, 2020:

I left some bags in my garden as didn't have room in my bin and now I have loads of maggots they are huge ! Have tried bleach boiling water and acid stuff and the still not dying I accept to young children please help

Devon on February 11, 2020:

it helps my son with his homework

Karen on January 12, 2020:

My daughter seems to have an infestation of maggots most days fir the last 2weeks or so. Mostly when its wet and they appear from her small backyard towards her business firm. There are no bins in her back garden whatsoever merely these maggots appear. She has used boiling water bleach disinfectant etc but theykeep coming back. Its plain causing her some distress with iii young children to await afterward. Whatsoever advice would be gratefully received

John Garrison on December 31, 2019:

Every morn my back porch has at least 30 to 50 flies on the screen. I have never seen ane maggot my recycle tin can is back in that location but it is always emptied and cleaned it is not garbage. Nothing is expressionless and I take fixed whatever holes in the screens. It's a mystery

Macy on November 22, 2019:

My husband left a chicken piece and I found lots of maggots there!

Melissa on October 05, 2019:

I keep a clean home. Weeks agone while I was on a business trip, my hubby left some chicken in the garbage can, which is covered. I came abode and took the garbage bag out to the trash. The next day, a whole lot of maggots showed upward on our ceramic tile floor, throughout the house. Nosotros thought they were from the chicken he had left in the bag and whatever had possibly dropped off from that the bag every bit nosotros took it out the trash. Since and so, I've replaced my trash can with one of them that closes automatically. Information technology's completely spotless just on ii times since then, I found maggots on my floor. I can't find the source. They crawl in in many different directions and they're not together. Like they're looking for a food source. I tin can't find where they're coming from and I'g scrubbing my tile with cleaner and 409 and vinegar. I've sprayed effectually my doors with problems spray. I am even so looking for the source. Where exercise yous suggest I tin can find the source when my business firm is make clean and I don't have nutrient out? I don't have I just don't take stuff like that in my home. It's driving me crazy

Choua on September 23, 2019:

Thanks for your information although my living room and kitchen is adequately clean, I don't leave any food out merely I still notice maggots on the living room floor fifty-fifty after I accept moped! I have no idea where they're coming from.

Zj on August 21, 2019:

Plant a maggot on my bed after putting snacks away at present I'one thousand paranoid only didn't notice no wing or anymore maggots at the moment i don't know where it could have came from

JHRP on August 19, 2019:

HELP!!!! Then it took a few days to notice maggots under the kitchen rug. By then, they were everywhere and had plainly traveled. I've gotten rid of the rugs and have cleaned furiously. Notwithstanding, I now have hatching flier everywhere as the nasty things made their way to other spots, hid and turned into pupae. What can I treat the areas with to become rid of the pupae? I only went domicile for dejeuner and literally killed 100 flies. Disgusting!!!

Bearding on August 15, 2019:

They plant our old burrito and at that place is thousands!!!! How do I become rid of them??!??

Wallace Johnson on August 14, 2019:

I Hate Maggots nosotros had one in our trash can and we used humid water and so far it Worked!

Patti on August eleven, 2019:

OMG nosotros had a dead rat in the wall (poison bait trap nosotros used) and at present these maggots are sneaking thru the kitchen. I am horrified!

D on July 25, 2019:

Sprinkle salt, it sticks to their skin and they eventually dice. Works GREAT!

Scott on July 14, 2019:

I drink a lot and one night after hitting the pub a wee too difficult I somehow sliced my leg on something which made me bleed Very badly. I was in a lot of hurting however still passed out When back at me loft. I woke up in the right and thousands of maggots where eating my leg almost to the bone. I would Pull a dodder of them out and I more quickly replaced them.. The superlative of my foot then croaky upon and a couple maggots came through followed past thousands. I fix my

Ryan Mooney on July 08, 2019:

And then it was two days ago go at my family reunion and my cousin was at that place and I punched him in the face up he tried to punch me at school and so that day I got revenge back I punched my about favorite cousin in the confront.

Pam Curry on July 06, 2019:

I recently had a cat who got torn up by a hateful do. This was our family cat so I wanted to try to save her. She was a very big and cute Himalayan/Siamese. She had laid injured for several days before she finally limped home. She had 2 huge holes on her back side. They were full of maggots. The vet told me to go out the maggots in there then they could eat the bad mankind. I did that for ii weeks. She didn't get better, quit eating, and we eventually had to put her down. Later removing her from the utility room I establish a few maggots crawling. I killed them, disinfected, and sprayed fly killer. But a few days later I'm seeing a lot of tiny flies! I'm killing them often but wondering if at that place is something else I need to do?? Can maggots survive without something to feed on? Should I bomb the room? It's right next to my kitchen and don't desire to do that unless necessary. Any suggestions?

bestfootie1 on June 30, 2019:

Today in London, England was pretty hot. Nosotros had been abroad for iv days to Amsterdam (was fun!) and the weather in London has been a mix of lots of rain and so actually hot weather. Frustratingly our Council will only collect bins fortnightly (that's 'every ii weeks' for you American folk bereft of proper English). So the bins were overflowing with rubbish numberless ("trash bags" for you American folk).

I was retching. I cannot believe I did not actually puke. It was like a expressionless torso. When nosotros managed to become the bags out so we could double and triple bag them and accept them elsewhere we were greeted with THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of maggots. It was like a plague of biblical proportions! G-d was so generous to me today and helped me survive bH.

I honestly feel traumatised, similar it'south afflicted my inner subconscious. Every time I think well-nigh them. Information technology was like a dead body. I understand and have a reference betoken now for what forensic investigators must experience when they come up across rotting flesh.

Missy on June 30, 2019:

Tin eggs hatch after the fly is expressionless? I sprayed 2big flies in my home about a week ago, now i have killed near v maggots but they were scattered thru the showtime floor, ex 2 in livingroom, 3in dining room. None in my kitchen ( thank goodness)! and thank you to my kittty for noticing them!!!

Betty Stewart Hawkins on June 21, 2019:

Read the article about maggots. They similar food and canis familiaris nutrient. The flies tin lay hundreds of eggs

Kay little on June xix, 2019:

I have maggots in my living room and hallway!! At that place is no flies or food! Iii days in a row

Calvin on June fourteen, 2019:

oof i just constitute some maggots in my kitchen and i warned my dad and now i call back me need an exterminator :l

brunettevtx on June 14, 2019:

I came home for luncheon yesterday and discovered maggots crawling on my kitchen floor. Needless to say, I lost my appetite. They seemed to come up from no apparent source every bit they were literally coming out of the woodwork. Nosotros emptied the garbage tin (which could take been emptied earlier, just they were still not coming from there) and the litter box and swept everything, including them. I was so grossed out. They seemed to diminish as the afternoon wore on and by evening there were only 3-iv to be found.

It's difficult to slumber knowing that maggots were crawling in your kitchen so at midnight and 3:30 this morning time I got up and checked: midnight, nothing. 3:30am, one maggot interim crazy.

I accept no thought what brought this on. I keep a clean house. Like i said, they seemed to come from no credible source. They were not pouring out of the garbage bag. This is the first fourth dimension equally a homeowner (23 years) I have had a trouble with these things. Anyone have any thought why this occurred? I am baffled and hope it doesn't happen over again.

Mary on June 06, 2019:

My garbage tin can is where the maggots congregate. At start I tried the bleach and hot water merely they kept on drudging along.

So I went for the Raid. That did it. Nosotros have a lot of flies in this area. The garbage can lid does not shut tight so the flies go in there and lay their eggs. In betwixt garbage pickups I spray the within of the can with Raid. The flies & maggots accept almost disappeared from my garbage can. I launder my cans out with bleach every Thursday subsequently the trash truck has come to empty them.

Beth on June 06, 2019:

I have been infested past magots i don't know where there coming from i clean all the time n my garbage is not moisture within northward i never leave food out except my dogs food which i alter out every mean solar day. My son in constabulary seems to call back that there in my rug he thinks possibly flies layed there eggs in the rug simply the rug is fairly new could information technology have been infested earlier i bought it. How an i keep this from happening northward how do i go rid of them. Help

Sherri on May 29, 2019:

Squeamish to know they tin only survive on a moisture surface. I just spent over an hour flooding everything with the hose trying to drown them from my outside trash can. Now everything including the within of the can is soaked. No wonder information technology wasn't working.

Paul on May 27, 2019:

How do yous get rid of flies coming upwardly from underneath flooring boards

Sisterliz on May 26, 2019:

I have had MAGGOTS in my bathroom for a week,I think they are feeding on a dead stinky possum in my roof space. I thought they had gone but no! The weather is now quite cold,stench is dorsum with the bl###y MAGGOTS. They are creeping me out by wriggling into my living area on the carpet.

I know what wonderful footling cleansers they are but I wish they would hurry upwards and cease their meal!!!

Lyn Reeve on April 27, 2019:

Is information technology true that only blow flies lay the eggs. Too is it true that if you lot spray a blow wing it lays eggs earlier it dies.

Loretta R on Apr 24, 2019:

I live where a coin laundry is adjacent to my apartment. The floor of my bathroom and kitchen hatched out maggots. I have deducted the maggots came from the shower drain. Any advice?

manuel vallejo on April 03, 2019:

do flys put maggots on yous

Mary Wordsworth on March 20, 2019:

We've got maggots in our toilet and they announced in the heart of the night and always in March. They are in the centre of the floor just in front end of the toilet. We had them the first fourth dimension 3 years ago and the following year in March. We then stripped the floor and replaced the flooring roofing. Concluding year no .maggots and then overnight they appeared again. Any answers to why anyone?

jesse on Oct 30, 2018:

Just use fifty/l alchohol and a blowtorch

sarah on October 10, 2018:

How do i start... Thank yooooooooooooooouuuuuu! Very informative in a fun fashion... Answered my question and took the extra mile of answering all question i might have in the time to come! And O... M... G your "boiling water" solution worked similar MAGIC. I would've never thought information technology would be that constructive. Cheers

John Grand Cunningham on September xviii, 2018:

My dads house has old food in his cabinets. I noticed while going through it a lot of it was covered in maggots. Is this a fly issue?

Pat on September 05, 2018:

Biggest fault ever. Forgot to put trash numberless out on trash day. Had to put them in the back yard for 3 more days. Then it rained. Then I took the trash bags and kept them indoors in the toilet. Today when i was nearly to accept all the trash out. In that location were thousands on maggots crawling out of the trash bags. I was lucky enough in that location were a few on the floor. Took the bags out but in time. And killed the ones that were on the floor.

T Rye on August 20, 2018:

I rent a dorsum room from someone, merely my room is an addition off the back porch and is split up from the actual house itself. I have no nutrient or trash out in my room, equally I have some OCD's that I've not been able to overcome. So no matter where I live, to me, everything has a identify and everything belongs in it's place and I cannot have it any other fashion. As well, the but pets I have are fish and two leapord-spotted geckos. But unfortunately they practice have dogs and they exercise feed them off the back porch. Which is right at my front door, therefore everytime my door is opened the flies that their food is alluring are being let in my room and have become more than a nuisance to me. I have been having to utilize wing strips and a good one-time-fashioned wing swatter to try to eradicate them, but sadly I fright this will be a constant as they refuse to move their feeding to another area. Nevertheless, with my OCD's I've been managing to go on the flies at a bare minimum. So, as you could imagine, I am more than baffled when I wake upward today and come across that there are maggots crawling all over my floor which is actually porch carpeting, not shag?!?! I am a very make clean person and borderline germaphobic and have stepped a foot off of my bed withal because I can see them crawling everywhere. I thought flies had to have dead meat and/or rotted food to lay their eggs. Then, how is this possible and what practise I practice?!?!

Grand on August 09, 2018:

After reading the feeds I am a little more at ease afterward screaming crying boiling and bleaching after coming dwelling to see maggots all over my kitchen surfaces and floors. I am very clean but I think my food compost bag was open and they crawled out. it has taken ii hours to blitz my kitchen. Thank God for my partner just seal your nutrient waste product, dont risk.

Mike Kelly on August 08, 2018:

I woke up this forenoon (after two days of intermittent pelting and fourscore degree weather) to discover about 200 to 300 eggs on the elevation of my trash can hopper (composite cloth with opening lid, hinged at the back for trash selection upward by robotic arm of trash truck. I washed them off the acme and sides and some inside the container. Should I follow up as I gave them a grass puddle of h2o off my pavement?

Al on July 11, 2018:

Hullo! I simply removed a decaying rat from a window and found a bunch of maggots but what surprised me was the maggots were spewing out little worms. Are these larvae besides or something else?

Hate these things on June 25, 2018:

woke up at 330am to apply bathroom and noticed maggots on my bathroom floor. I walked down the hall to kitchen and notice more on the floor. I Swept the kitchen, the hall way and bath floor nerveless all that i establish put them back in the garabge tied the pocketbook shut and stuck it outside. I thought it was odd that when i opened garabge bag i didnt see any on the sides of the handbag.. Actually hope i got most or all of them. Grossed me oit then bad i deceit sleep thinking they are crawling on me

help.... on June 23, 2018:

how do u go rid of maggots they are on my kitchen floor i don't know where they came from help....

Anony mouse 3 on June 03, 2018:

So funny story virtually maggots. It was mid November, one of those wintertime-ish days. Cool crisp air, and a bit chilly I might add. When, out of the corner of my middle I spot a carcas of a cat. Needless to say I stopped, one quick await and an spontaneous jolt sent me dorsum at the sight of the larvae. Although not rare but irregular, the lifeless cat was teeming with those creatures.

I did the unthinkable, scooping them into a plastic bag I before used to shop my tiffin in. I swear I would've fainted at the smell of the site. I still can't tell whether the stench belonged to the cat or the larvae. But regardless I collection dwelling house, bag in hand and steering wheel in the other. Unfortunately, 1 sharp plough and the bag roughshod onto the passenger seat, revealing its contents to the fresh leather of my Lamborghini Hurricane.

A chip of quick turns and master parking gave me more time to cleanup the mess. That was until the heap of live larvae spoke to me, in real man tounges. I could barely make out what it was proverb due to the hissing tone, but I believe it sorry this, "What did the maggot say to his friend when he got stuck in an apple?". Yous wouldn't believe what the pile told me seconds after. ..."Well, how are you going to worm yourself out this time!"

Carolyn Howard Wright on May 20, 2018:

Need answers please quickly

Gerald is trumps trumpkin. on May 16, 2018:

No Gerald. Just people like trump and yourself. Sucks to detest so Much!

Gerald on May 10, 2018:

I thought they came from Obama'south mouth.

TMR on May 02, 2018:

I've lived in the same firm 36 years and just tonight at that place are hundereds of them on the dorsum porch. It rained off and on today and being in primal Texas, it's boiling. Plus we accept a rather large dog that drools profusely, a dandy dane, and he eats on the back porch. Afterward reading this, I was not surprised, merely what I don't get is that this is the first fourth dimension, ever. I am thoroughly grossed out

Kiya1999 on April 02, 2018:

It's extremely possible (if no 'known' source) that it is Witchcraft. Many will be skeptical but trust me, y'all accept no idea.

Jdjdj on Jan 09, 2018:

Emily, dump your lazy ass boyfriend before cleaning up later on him becomes your life!

Zach on November 18, 2017:

Beelzebub has been decorated!

VanessaVelasquez on November 09, 2017:

Hey there, please help! Maggots coming from my daughters art supply drawer and tabular array! At that place is no food or garbage at that place! Don't know where coming from!

Dana mcpherson on November 08, 2017:

Today I was walking in my kitchen maggots had covered my floor

Dee on November 01, 2017:

Howdy, I'chiliad finding small maggots on the ceiling on my kitchen.

I accept no thought where they are coming from simply I am finding them intermittently i.east 1 to 4 at a time itch across.

I have cleaned on elevation of my wall cupboards where I store things but only I have non food upward in that location only cereal boxes merely they are sealed with clips then unable to penetrate.

Any suggestions where the source might be?

bucap0 on October 22, 2017:

I merely lost two of my dogs earlier this week - never had a maggot trouble - got upward this morning and I thought it was rice... the dogs always had their nutrient out and never whatever bug...what do you call back caused this???

Terri on October 09, 2017:

At that place are maggots coming out of the carpeting close to the wall in my apartment edifice Just one stretch of carpet --they vacuum them up --- they come back They are seen coming out from the carpet but they took off the baseboard and nothing was at that place THe building people think its me!!! WHere are they coming from! SOme of them are fifty-fifty brown!!!!

Tracey on September 24, 2017:

Ok this happens to us every yr and I don't empathize what it is ok I take a carport and all along inside the carport where the brick wall meets the concrete floor in carport maggots are crawling out everywhere and it happens every twelvemonth around this time it is so icky I don't understand crusade I thought they but laid eggs on food or stuff rotting at first I thought maybe at that place was a dead animal under my business firm so nosotros looked and no dead animals plus information technology happens every year maggots are everywhere please help

Chris on September 23, 2017:

Came home from piece of work and establish a bunch on the floor. Shoulda took the trash out sooner, they came from there. Im not interested in trying to impale them with a spray and sweep them upward and all that, I sucked em up with the Dyson cordless thing, dumped em in the burn barrel and lit em up with some other burnables. Im on lookout now and find a straggler every now and so. Just glad information technology was me and non my wife that found them.

hazel on September 17, 2017:

in respond to kaz, I notice that when the atmospheric condition is hot, these insects tend to make it via rice, tea and biscuits. Equally I accept been infested with them twice, and each time in the oestrus, I accept learned now that equally soon every bit the weather is hot, to continue dry nutrient (cereal, rice, etc.) in the fridge. Likewise, to regularly check dates of products (time goes by surprisingly fast). Only rice, tea, flour, cereals, seem to be their favourites. They don't touch sugar of any kind. Jolly old that. There must be a lesson for humans there. If even a maggot doesn't want it.........

kaz on September 01, 2017:

hullo, almost two weeks ago i found a maggot by my back door and was inspecting all my kitchen floor and then, equally i did i establish dozens under my tabular array under my washing machine which is right side by side to my back door and a few behind my kitchen door which is pushed right back against my wall equally i don't e'er use it me and my partner scrubbed my kitchen i felt so dirty but determined they came in through the back door, we closely inspected it and constitute load in the plate on the floor the door sits on so afterward this mean solar day we inspected outside we institute a few and seen they was coming from under the door frame outside i idea it was all over and i seen two more than just a few days agone got them outside boiled h2o over again they where gone, and now the last few days i walk into my kitchen and i at a time their will be a fly inside on my dorsum door i let it straight out and this volition repeat most of the day, we found no food and have no idea how its happened. if anyone else has had similar feel without it beingness effectually bins or waste product would exist great to hear. thanks

jayden on Baronial 27, 2017:

this helped a lot

Emily on August 27, 2017:

I just got back from a two week vacation and my young man was left to spotter my apartment and my true cat. He didn't take out the garbage for 2 weeks or clean out the cats food dish or litter box for at least a week. Needless to say information technology smelled like something died. I cleaned the place for iii days direct and of grade now a calendar week after I have swarm of flies that looks like something out of the Amityville Horror. I tin can't find anything moisture or evil-smelling in the place. Whatsoever other suggestions where they might be hiding?

Erika on August 26, 2017:

Nosotros have no trash exposed but daily we have hundreds if not thousands testify upwardly. They are under boxes and carpet in our outbuildings. Why do they hide and infest there. We take thourolly checked everywhere .

Mellonie on August 16, 2017:

volition hot shot fly killer kill them

John on Baronial 11, 2017:

I have them every where. My wife has nodularis purgio and they attack her. I don't know what to do.

mary on Baronial 08, 2017:

in my house we get maggots at sink,in the corners where its wet

Dislocated by maggots on July 30, 2017:

There was a horrible odor within my SUV and upon removing the clean and empty plastic insert of the floorboard storage bin, I discovered a swamp of maggots and ooze. There wasn't annihilation in the bin and no fashion for something to accept gotten underneath information technology. I cleaned it up and inside hours, more ooze was present. This has continued to happen over the class of a few days. There aren't any holes in the metal floorboard so where is this coming from? Please HELP!

How-do-you-do on July 30, 2017:

I found hundreds of them in my garbage can. This article really helped.

Lisa on July 24, 2017:

I simply found a maggot or I call up anyway it was brownish in colour. I have found a few and so these moth similar flies. I have to little children who like to spill stuff and I always make clean it up but I recall I'm missing something. And I proceed seeing horror stories about them getting inside of you and then I'm a chip freaked out

patrice on July 24, 2017:

We simply moved hither, I keep a clean dry out house, but since we have moved here I have found a couple in my bath floor, a couple on my living room floor, and I am non understanding this! Because there is cypher on the floor!

Susanna on July 09, 2017:

Thank you so much for this! For the first fourth dimension in my life I am experiencing a problem with maggots in my kitchen and this helped me figure out why, and how to finish/preclude the trouble. Nosotros just moved to a house where it gets very hot in the summer and flies beloved to sneak in and buzz around our compost bin. At present I know what's up. Kudos to you!

A'sonda on June 17, 2017:

Maggots make my skin crawl and they stink. I enjoyed reading your blog on these nasty worms. The video probably won't allow me to sleep as it gave me the creepy crawlies.

I discovered maggots near our dog food bin. I swear by all the gods it was a Putrefying feel. I was screaming the kids were screaming and my husband was at work. So eventually I had to remind myself I was the developed and needed to have activity. I started vacuuming those suckers up. Of course I had the cheapest vacuum always envented and so when I constitute they had burrowed themselves in my carpet I lost my darn mind.

I packed up the kids later on calling my husband and off nosotros went to a maggot free zone, the library.

My married man arrived with table salt in manus and a DYSON. Seriously if I would have known maggots would take landed me a DYSON I would accept been careless years ago. LOL.

He poured salt and a vacuuming I went. Did I mention I love my new DYSON!!! The moment it turned on I knew it was the perfect maggot in carpet buster. I promise yous I vacuumed for at least thirty-45 minutes equally I needed to make certain I had gotten all those bad boys. I think I did just I'm not 100 on information technology. I was able to wait through the vacuum articulate bagless ball thing and yup there they were crawling wiggling just moving the nasty manner they do. I swear I volition never eat rice once more or anything I e'er drib on my floor honoring that 5 second rule. That is OUT!!!!

This weblog was very helpful however it does have me very scared equally I didn't find hundreds of maggots

Shirley on June 14, 2017:

We had them in our horse stall. We did not know the person earlier us didn't the mats and clean under them. I used lime and diatemacious ( on the spelling) earth to get rid of them and it worked. After a complete stall gut nosotros now feel comfortable putting our equus caballus back into his stall.

Loretta on June 12, 2017:

I got upwardly this morning and I have maggots crawling beyond my living room how do I get rid of them I don't keep nutrient in in that location

Nirupama Raghavan on May 28, 2017:

Beautiful account on maggots. I need non be scared now that my composting is wrong.

1024917 on Apr 18, 2017:

they keep following me everywhere why is that

Jess on April 04, 2017:

Ive seen a maggot a solar day for the final 4-5 days. My room is clean - no food -taken out everything it could possibly be cleaned and changed everything, fifty-fifty pulled out the bed and vaccuumed and they are still appearing. Is it possible the ones still appearing the last 2 days are but ones that were already developed? How do I get rid of them without using an aerosolised spray because i have severe asthma?

Ashley on March 22, 2017:

I like to think I am a very clean house is almost e'er spotless, walls washed, carpets cleaned and so on. We go along all of are food garbage exterior on the patio and no former food in the house, we rarely have a wing In the house, well last summer I went to take some garbage out and the whole patio was covered in g's of maggots it was horrifying. Usually we take the garbage to the dumpster every four days so I was stunned to come across this...I just recently started my spring cleaning and to my horror I have found my identify is invested with maggots. I need answers!!! Like I said I keep my place clean and I detest bugs of any sort. I found this maggot infestation nether my appliances in the kitchen. Under the dishwasher, fridge and oven....somebody pleads help me figure out why his is happening.

So if in that location'south maggots, on March 06, 2017:

Someone could be trying to hide a dead body?

Marianna on Feb 08, 2017:

Cheers so much for taking your time hither to share this resourceful information and video with u.s.! Greatly appreciated and total of facts which I was unaware, thanks for shedding light to things here. I volition be giving this a attempt and volition be sharing!

Uma Kolandai on January fifteen, 2017:

Detest these things ever since I saw them come out from under the drainage in my firm when I was about 10 years old. Information technology seems a rat had died in there and these things were feeding on that. It was horrible to meet them. Since and so I hated them. I idea even the rat was meliorate.But it'due south nature's way of reusing matter energy reinfuse it into the geosystem. Still they are waste reducers after something is dead in the surroundings, carrion eaters, lesser of the line

Mike on Jan 08, 2017:

What would happen if a maggot happened to hide itself in some food that you had eaten? And you ate one? Curious to know?

Hi on Dec 08, 2016:

I left a piece of porkchop bone in my room and went camping for three days, came back home and that bone was cover with magot. The fly'south eggs developed a lot faster than you think. Luckily it was inside a plate and not on my floor. I poured mr. make clean and they move suddenly stronger and faster similar became mutants with chemic.

Lim on Dec 01, 2016:

Ewwww disgusting, disgusting. Came across this commodity because at that place are maggots climbing up the walls in the function toilet. EW. Full disclosure as well - I likewise idea they appear out of nowhere =.= Thanks for the article. Will be taking greater care of things at home now!

Sheela Chandraghatgi on November 29, 2016:

I'1000 an lndian living in Bombay. For concluding few years l've been making vermicompost without any trouble. Today l noticed some maggots in the compost. I'k worried. Can you help Me? How should fifty go rid of them without disturbing the earthworms? Waiting for your reply. Thank you for your article.

Bob F. on Oct 15, 2016:

We put our food scraps in plastic bags, and then identify the handbag in the freezer. Come trash twenty-four hour period nosotros put the bag in the trash can. Nosotros accept never had a problem with maggots sense we have been doing this. Nosotros likewise use a plastic jar with a lid for small scraps from the sink strainer an freeze it also.

J L Holmes on October 07, 2016:

My daughter had a ability outage at her condo during a period when at that place was no one there. A month or so afterward it was discovered that her 2-year-erstwhile refrigerator had failed with meat in the freezer. Even though Th

Eastward refrigerator had non been opened all that fourth dimension (nearly 6 weeks), the freezer was filled with maggots. Where did they come up from? I think there are maggot eggs in raw meat???

mc john jbv on October 02, 2016:

nice educative article

How To Get Rid Of Maggots In Refrigerator,


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