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Unit Three

Land-Based Empires

1450-1750 CE

 3.two Empires: Assistants

  • Comparison (4.A) identify and describe a historical context for a specific historical development or process.

3.2 GOV

What methods did dissimilar rulers use to legitimize and consolidate their power over their land-based empires between 1450 to 1750?

  • Freeman-Pedia Empires: Administration

  • England

    Justices of the Peace

    English Bill of Rights

  • France

    Absolutism in France

    Central Richelieu


    Tax farmers

    Louis Fourteen

    Palace of Versailles

  • Russia



    Ivan IV

    Peter the Cracking

    Romanov Dynasty

    St. petersburg

    Taxation in Russia

  • Ottoman Empire




    Taxation in the Ottoman Empire

  • East & Southeast Asia



    Tokugawa Ieyasu

    Tokugawa Shogunate

    Edo (Tokyo)

    Menstruation of Great Peace


    Tax collection in the Ming Dynasty

    South Asia


    Delhi (capital)


    Taj Mahal

    Shah Jahan

  • Due west Africa

    Askia the Great of Songhai

 iii.3 Empires: Belief Systems

  • Continuity & Change (2.B) explain the point of view, purpose, historical situation, and/or audience of a source.

3.iii CDI

In what ways did religious behavior continue and change over time within Europe, the Middle East, and South Asia betwixt 1450 to 1750?

  • Sunni vs Shi'a Islam

    1. Holy Synod (Russia)

    2. Peace of Augsburg

    3. French republic: Edict of Nantes

    4. Thirty Years' War

    5. Peace of Westphalia

    6. Scientific Revolution: empiricism

Protestant Reformation

  • Martin Luther

    • Lutheranism

  • Indulgences

  • Simony

  • John Calvin

    • Calvinism

  • Puritans

  • Anglicanism

    • Anglican Church building

  • Henry VIII

    • Anne Boleyn

  • Charles V

Counter-Reformation (Catholic Reformation)

  • Inquisition

  • Jesuits

  • Council of Trent

  • Philip II

  • Spanish Armada


  • Shariah

  • Safavids

  • Sikhism

 3.iv Comparison in State-Based Empires

  • Comparison (6.B) support an argument using specific and relevant evidence.

    • Depict specific examples of historically relevant evidence.

    • Explain how specific examples of historically relevant evidence support an statement.

Develop an statement that compares how at to the lowest degree ii empires, located in unlike regions of the world, increased their influence between c. 1450 and c. 1750.