
How To Get Sharpened Blade Wizard101

Dr. Von enhanced

It's taken me a while to larn some of the complexities of stacking blades [and still info can exist applied to traps; just using blades to keep it simple].  Every bit you get to higher levels and tougher bosses information technology tin be very useful to know how to stack a agglomeration of blades and traps and so you maximize the damage one large spell can do.

Non all of these apply to the true beginners to whom this blog is mainly dedicated; first, y'all don't peculiarly need to exist stacking and second, some schools expect quite a while to get a bract or trap and then still tin't become the Spirit and Elemental Blades, etc. until level 25.  But there'due south a little bit y'all tin can do if you just desire to wow your team mates.

Well-nigh people seem to know they can cast their own school'south bract and also a Spirit or Elemental Bract and, if they accept it, also a Balance blade (if you're not Residual, from gear). When you lot have all those in place, if you cast, say, a Scarecrow* (400 base of operations impairment), the Crow gets a twoscore% heave from the school blade, taking it to 560.  Then the 560 gets a 35% boost from the Spirit Bract,taking it to 756.  Then the Balance bract adds 25%, taking information technology to 945.  So a few blades can more double the damage of 1 Scarecrow — and of course information technology's an all-enemies spell, then every opponent gets hit past that.

The less-talked-well-nigh stacking possibilities arise because the aforementioned blade from different sources is counted as a carve up bract.  This includes treasure cards from different sources. If you look at Treasure Cards in the Bazaar, sometimes you'll see one type of care listed several times.  This is because they're from unlike sources.  1 group might be from gardening drops, another from boss drops, and another from some pack.  Each one of those counts separately.  If yous're into seeing how big a hit you can make — rather than only garnering a large plenty strike to win — yous want to stack a bunch of blades and traps.

So, for instance, if you lot cast a Expiry blade from your school, and also a Treasure Menu Death bract, and your pet casts a Death blade** (or you take the carte du jour from your pet), they'll all multiply the damage of one spell.  The Treasure Card versions of all the bract and trap spells count as a carve up type of card–with the variations in those also counting as separate–and the same is true for the blades and traps cast by or added to your deck by pets.

So, in the above instance, starting from 945, if you pet has as well cast a Decease blade, that adds an extra xl%.  So 945 becomes 1323.  And if you lot also cast a treasure card Expiry blade, that adds another 45% and 1323 becomes (rounded downwardly) 1918.  Of course, the gild in which you've cast the spells volition decide the order in which these percentages are added, then the totals volition alter depending on that, but it'due south going to be a big boost to the base damage of whatever spell you choose regardless of the order of casting.

You could besides add Treasure Card versions of the Balance blade, Dragonblade and Spirit blade, which add xxx% and forty%, respectively.  And, obviously, if you've likewise stacked some traps you lot start multiplying damage exponentially.  TCs are i way to requite lower level wizards some boosting power, especially if you lot can trade them over from another business relationship.

Partway through Azteca (and after hit level 86), wizards can train Sharpened Bract and Strong Trap.  These are "enchantment" spell cards.  Y'all can add a Sharpened Blade to a blade (about are eligible just some of the gear blades won't accept it nor practice most –possibly all– treasure cards) and get another 10% added to your blade.  For instance, a 40% Death Blade becomes 50%.  And once you've cast a bract with the heave from Sharpened Bract, that's considered dissimilar from a regular Death Bract, so you tin bandage ane with Sharpened Blade added and ane without and both volition be added to the impairment.  Strong Trap is basically the same, a boost yous can add to most kinds of traps.

Before Azteca, if you grow Sword Ferns you can get Sharpened Bract treasure cards and utilise those.  Most of the varieties of these tin't exist bought  or sold.  Fifty-fifty though you lot can't train the spell until level 86, if you lot go the TC y'all seem to exist able to use it at whatsoever level (I oasis't checked information technology out very much as I don't see information technology as necessary in the lower levels but I accept experimented with a few lower levels using information technology.

If y'all have a high level sorcerer on your business relationship who has been grooming pets, you can pass a pet with a bract casting talent through the Shared Depository financial institution to a new wizard.  And, for those who can afford it, some crown gear (including items from much-less-expensive packs) for low level wizards includes a bract card of ane sort or another.

For case, I got a Mythic Beast from a Hoard of the Hydra pack (when on sale for 199) who provides a Bladestorm card, which gives a Residuum bract to everyone on your team.  Information technology's a dainty petty heave in Unicorn Way…

I by and large equip all my wizards with gear that boosts damage and I've been working on getting all my pets to add together a harm boost as well so the total damage is even higher because it starts off boosted by the equipment.  In the moving picture to a higher place, the damage came in function from just a few stacked blades and traps and from gear.

And I've been having fun — in my penchant for creating wizards and deleting them somewhere in or at the end of Krokotopia– passing mega pets (from the same account) and treasure cards (from one of the other accounts) and watching them storm through the lower levels with mode more oomph than they need. 🙂

Merely you tin see from this example, it tin make a huge difference, specially if yous like to solo, if you know how to stack blades to get the most out of your best spells.  You lot tin send spells off at iv times, five time, six times their normal base–or more– and do some massive damage.

* I chose this one because the base impairment is such a overnice piece of cake number to get-go calculating from.

** Having your pet bandage it at a moment yous actually need information technology…  that's a tale for some other post.

How To Get Sharpened Blade Wizard101,


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