
How To Find Minimum Value In 2d Array Java

Beginners always face difficulty in finding the max and min Value of Numpy. In fact, the max and min are very useful in finding statistics.  Therefore in this entire tutorial, you lot volition know how to find the max and min value of Numpy and its index for both the one-dimensional and multi-dimensional array.

ane. Max and Min Value for the One Dimensional (i-D) array

Let'south create a 1-D NumPy array using the numpy.array() method. The array()   method accepts the list of all values you want to create NumPy array every bit an argument.

            #1-D array import numpy equally np array = np.assortment([19,five,10,1,9,17,l,19,25,fifty]) impress(array)          
Creation of 1D- Numpy array
Creation of 1D- Numpy array

Finding the Maximum Value

To observe the max value you accept to use the max() method. Just pass the input array as an argument inside the max() method.

            max = np.max(assortment) print("The maximum value in the array is :",max)          
Max Value in a 1D Numpy Array
Max Value in a 1D Numpy Array

Index for the Maximum Value

To notice the index for the maximum value y'all have to pass a specific condition as the argument inside the numpy.where() method.

            #Index of the Maximum chemical element conditon = (array == max) consequence = np.where(conditon) impress("Arrays for the max element:",upshot) print("List for the maximum value indexes:",effect[0])          
Index for the Maximum Value in 1D Array
Index for the Maximum Value in 1D Assortment

Please note that. If there are duplicate values in the assortment and so the output will be a listing of the same maximum values.

Finding the Minimum Value

In the same way, You can find the minimum value using the numpy.min() method.

            # Minimum Value min = np.min(array) impress("The minimum value in the array is :",min)          
Min Value in a 1D Numpy Array
Min Value in a 1D Numpy Assortment

Index of the Minimum Value

The concept to detect the index of the min value is the same as finding the maximum values. You have to simply change the status inside the numpy.where() method.

                # Alphabetize of the Minimum element conditon = (array == min) upshot = np.where(conditon) impress("Arrays for the min chemical element:",result) print("List for the min value indexes:",event[0])              
Index for the Minimum Value in 1D Array
Index for the Minimum Value in 1D Array

2. Max and Min Value for the Two Dimensional (ii-D) assortment

There are iii means you can find the max and min value of the NumPy array.

  1. Maximum and Minumum in the entire array
  2. Max and Min values in each column
  3. Maximum and Minimum values in each row.

Permit'south create a two-dimensional before finding max and min values. I am randomly generating a 2-D assortment of size 4×3.

                #2-D Array array_2d = np.arange(12).reshape(4,three) print(array_2d)              
Creation of 2D- Numpy array
Creation of 2D- Numpy array

Finding the Max Value in the entire array

You can find the maximum value in the entire array using the same numpy.max() method merely like y'all have used in finding the max in 1D. It will find the lowest element and gives the output.

                max_2d = np.max(array_2d) print("The maximum value for the second-array:",max_2d)              
Max Value in a 2D Numpy Array
Max Value in a 2nd Numpy Array

Maximum Value in Each Cavalcade and Row

Hither you have to apply an actress argument and it is axis = 0 or centrality =1.

Max Value in Cavalcade

                # maximum value in each column  max_in_column = np.max(array_2d,axis=0) impress(max_in_column)              


Max Value in Row

                # maximum value in each row  max_in_row = np.max(array_2d,centrality=1) print(max_in_row)              


Hither I am using the same method max() but now I am passing axis =0 to tell the interpreter to traverse along with the columns and centrality =i to traverse along the columns.

Finding the Alphabetize for the Max Value in 2D

Yous tin easily notice the index of the max value in a 1-dimensional NumPy array. Simply for the 2D array, you have to use Numpy module unravel_index. It will easily find the Index of the Max and Min value.

                from numpy import unravel_index upshot = unravel_index(np.max(array_2d),array_2d.shape) impress("Index for the Maximum Value in the 2d Array is:",result)              
Index for the Maximum Value in 2D Array
Index for the Maximum Value in second Array

Here I am passing the 2 arguments inside the unravel_index() method ane is the maximum value of the array and the shape of the array. Hither In our case, the shape of the array is 4 rows and 3 columns.

Finding the Min Value in the entire array

To find the minimum value inside the array you have to use the numpy.min() method and pass the assortment.

                #Minimum Chemical element in the 2D- Array min_2d = np.min(array_2d) impress("The minimum value for the 2D-assortment:",min_2d)              
Min Value in a 2D Numpy Array
Min Value in a 2D Numpy Array

Minimum Value in Each Column and Row

Min Value in Column

                # minimum value in each column  min_in_column = np.min(array_2d,axis=0) print(min_in_column)              


Min Value in Row

                # minimum value in each row  min_in_row = np.min(array_2d,axis=i) print(min_in_row)              


To find the min value in each column and row you take to merely change the value of the axis, axis = 0 for the cavalcade, and axis =ane for the row in the min() method.

Index for the Min Value in 2D

Just similar y'all have learned how to find the index of max value in 2D using the unravel_index() method. Here you will likewise employ that. Yous accept to pass the minimum value and the shape of the array as the arguments.

index_of_min = unravel_index(np.min(array_2d),array_2d.shape) impress("Alphabetize for the Minimum Value in the 2D Array is:",index_of_min)
Index for the Minimum Value in 2D Array
Index for the Minimum Value in second Assortment

Other Question

Question: Difference between amax() and max()

Many data science learner readers take asked united states what is the difference between the two methods amax() and max( ). The answer is that np.max() is an allonym of the method amax() . They both are able to compute the maximum elements of whatever input assortment. You can likewise notice the maximum value forth the axis.

If y'all run the method then you can meet both are calling the same part.

                import numpy as np print(np.max)              


<function numpy.core.fromnumeric.amax>
                import numpy as np print(np.amax)              


<function numpy.cadre.fromnumeric.amax>




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